In this episode, author Kasey Pierce shares her personal story of how stoicism helped her deal with her mother’s declining health, create a new outlook on resiliency, and reframe her self-awareness.
Drew Estell: Process and Progress of a Warrior
On today’s episode, Drew Estell shares how he helps build confidence and resilience through coaching and firearms education.
Michael O’Brien: Rides Across the Country to Pause, Breath, and Reflect
On today’s episode Michael O’Brien shares how his journey riding his bike across the U.S. taught him valuable lessons about embracing uncertainty and building resilience.
Ron Malhotra: The Black Footed Business Warrior
On today’s episode Ron Malhotra shares the key to embracing Adversity, growing stronger, and investing in your emotional and mental health.
Adam Schaeuble: The Podcasting Warrior Part 2
Adam Schaeuble returns to discuss how a minimalist lifestyle contributes to accelerating his goals and impact.
Adam Schaeuble: The Podcasting Warrior Part 1
Today Adam Schaeuble reveals the importance of focusing on impact and relationship building when pursuing your goals.
JC Glick US Army Ranger: Vulnerability, Mental Resilience, and Becoming Unbreakable Part 2
This week on Acta Non Verba we’re continuing the conversation with LTC (Ret) JC Glick and diving into resiliency and what humans have in common.
JC Glick US Army Ranger: Vulnerability, Mental Resilience, and Becoming Unbreakable Part 1
This week on Acta Non Verba LTC (Ret) JC Glick shares his military experience and how it has impacted his ability to be vulnerable and embrace Adversity.
About the Host

Marcus Aurelius Anderson
Mindset Coach, Author, International Keynote Speaker