In this episode Dean Stott, a former British Special Forces soldier, world record-setting cyclist, and mindset coach discusses his journey from the military to private security and achieving a world record in cycling.
Matt Gagnon on Atomic Mornings, Speaking at The Gathering Event, His Hero’s Journey That Led to His TEDX Talk, and The 5 Supply Lines of Success
In this episode Matt Gagnon discusses his journey from corporate burnout to living a fulfilling life aligned with his core values.
Errol Doebler The Ice Cold Leader on self-awareness, cold exposure, identity, and Adversity
On the Acta Non Verba show, host Marcus Aurelius Anderson talks to Errol Doebler, a Former Navy SEAL and FBI Special Agent, Executive Coach, and Leadership Expert.
William Branum on The Navy SEAL Mindset, Saving Lives in the Grand Canyon, and Why Leadership Never Ends
This week on Acta Non Verba, William Branham discusses leadership, mindset, and public speaking.
Eric Leija: The Primal Swoldier on Kettlebells, Spirituality, Authenticity, and How to Improve Emotional Intelligence
This week on Acta Non Verba, Eric Leija joins me to discuss the importance of practical experience in fitness coaching and the value of authenticity in the fitness industry.
Jessie Torres: Finding Light in the Darkness of Adversity, Living an Unshakeable Life, and an Army Of Angels
This week on Acta Non Verba Jessie Torres shares her personal journey of overcoming abuse and trauma, as well as her commitment to breaking the cycle of abuse in her own family.
Victor Pierantoni “The Zen Stoic” on the Similarities of Zen and Stoicism, Radical Candor, and Why Taking Pictures of Yourself Meditating is Silly
Listen in as Victor shares his coaching approach called liberation leadership training, which aims to remove obstacles and negative emotions to tap into innate wisdom.
Christopher Sommer: Kicking Cancer’s Ass, Logic, Building Gymnastic Bodies, and the Momentum of Excellence, Part 1
In this episode Christopher Sommer shares the science behind building a gymnastic body, how he helps individuals perform at a world class level, and how to stop waiting for others to confirm your success
About the Host
Marcus Aurelius Anderson
Mindset Coach, Author, International Keynote Speaker