Luka Hocevar: The Gym Growth Warrior Part 2

February 16, 2022

Luka Hocevar returns to discuss how he helps his audience and clients create and embody the identity they desire. Luka and I dive into how thoughts create actions and how those actions create your identity. We also explore the motivations behind our actions, how social environments impact our decisions and the difference between complicated and complex matters.

Luka Hocevar is a former professional athlete that’s now an elite trainer who has personally coached over 3000 clients from the NBA, NFL, UFC, MLB, college and high school level. He’s helped rehab patients with different types of injuries and clients from every walk of life that are wanting to achieve the reality of feeling and performing better.

Within six months, his Yo Grow Your Gym mastermind has helped thousands of gym owners add $10,000 to their monthly revenue with a money back guarantee.

He was even able to maintain that during the pandemic, when so many people were closing their doors. Luka has been able to help people not only keep their doors open, but thrive in the process.

You can connect with Luka via Instagram:

You can learn more about Luka’s mastermind here:

Episode Transcript

In this episode, we hear part two of my interview with Luca, former professional athlete, elite trainer, and coach. In part one, Luca discussed how he learned to stay focused, even when projects or goals don’t go as planned. We also discussed

the importance of having a purpose and passion for what you do, the difference between rules versus standards, and defining your professional default mechanism. You can hear part one on episode 82 of Octa Non Verba. And now please enjoy part two of my interview with the incredible Luca. And so these are these like factors where we create a narrative about who we are and we’re stuck in this narrative. And I could just never put on muscle. I’ve just never been good at.

But it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. You believe that because you believe that you don’t try, you don’t practice, you don’t do daily actions. And of course, so then it becomes true. I’m not good at math, so I don’t study math because I don’t think I’m good at math. So then I don’t study math, I don’t get good at it. And so, these are like these perspectives that like, if you can get down into your head, man, you can do fucking anything. And maybe Marcus, you can.

pick something up faster than me in certain areas. Maybe it takes you, for whatever reason, genetically you can pick these things up, nature nurture, who knows, right? But it doesn’t mean that I can’t get way better at it. I mean, I know people, they can, at least when they’re younger, it’s like, man, that guy can eat anything he’s shredded. It’s like, okay, that’s gonna change in a couple of decades, a decade or two, but also, you’re not that person. And that’s okay, but all you have to do is look at your behaviors.

And maybe for you to lose 10 pounds is gonna take you double what it takes to other person. It doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is can you progress? Who do you want to become in your life? Okay, let’s attach behaviors to this identity that you want to build. Because we’re such emotional beings. Rule number one in the laws of human nature by Robert Greene is number one, we’re irrational.

Humans are completely irrational. It’s a beautiful thing, but it’s also what makes us kind of crazy, right? And this irrationality, when you think about it, is the way that we behave usually is that we have a thought and that thought creates an emotion. And then usually that creates an action and that creates our identity. Right? And that’s the wrong way to go about it because guess what? Like last night, guess what I didn’t feel like? I didn’t feel like training. Right?

long day, had a couple little tweaks and stuff. Like, ah, who wants to do like 50 minutes of just boring ass cardio in circus, blah, blah, blah, right. But if I went off of that, I had that thought, don’t feel like it. Right. So the emotion I get is tired because of thought. So then my action will be like pack up, go home. Now my identity becomes every time I’m tired, I don’t go do the thing that I should be doing to get where I want to go. Right.

So the way that you want to flip that pyramid is going, no, what is the identity that I want to have? What action would that person choose? So then I’m gonna do the action. What’s cool about that, that action is gonna give me a feeling. Now that feeling is usually gonna be the feeling I want. Right, so last night, oh man, I’m tired. You know, I’m tired. I think maybe I should just call it quits, right? But then I go, yeah, but.

Listen, I want to be fit. I want to make sure I recover from yesterday’s training session. So I got to do this recovery session. Okay. That’s what that’s the identity I want to build. Okay, great. I’m going to take this action after the session. I feel accomplished. Like, you know what, man, I got it done and I got it done despite of my feelings, my moods, my thoughts. And so, you know, start with identity. Now don’t get, don’t get it twisted. Like my problem sometimes is that I should say, take a break because I do.

You know, I don’t take a break often enough. But the idea is the same. Start with identity, right? You’re like, I wanna be somebody that saves and invests money. Okay, let’s look at the bank account. Let’s look at, you know, every time you get a check, what happens with that money. Maybe automatically you could have some stuff going to the S&P 500. Automated, don’t touch it. Not like, oh, if there’s money left over, cause you gotta look at where your money’s going.

So the identity, the action that you would pick is go, okay, well, I’m gonna take some of that money and start investing. And it could be very basic, like we’re just gonna put it on the market, right? And, but once again, that’s a behavior identified with action. Now, if you go off of your, for instance, just thoughts and feelings, look at bank account, oh my God, there’s not a lot of money in there, I’m scared. I’ll invest once I have more money, right? That’s not gonna happen because your behaviors are making you not have enough money.

where you could go and look at like, oh shit, I’m spending 250 bucks on drinks that are going out every month. Oh, spending this much here. Oops, there’s 700 bucks. Well, let me take 300 and not invest it. So the reason why I try to give examples and things of that nature, because these are principles. These are principles we live by, the methods we could go into a lot of the, we talk about investing, well, shit, there’s a million ways to invest, but that’s the method. The principle is this whole idea of like my identity.

I want to build generational wealth, I want to create better security for my family, I want to buy a house down the line, I want to invest in a business, whatever it may be. It starts with a behavior, but that’s the principle here. What’s the principle? I try to look through the filter. This is what’s cool about it. I coach. Now I coach sports, performance, and fitness, but also coach business owners. I coach people to…

have behaviors to get them to where they want to go. And if you look at sports performance, if you look at fitness, if you look at business, if you look at related, when you break them all down, it’s all based on behavior change, right? It’s all based on beliefs. It’s all based on psychology and neurology, right? Like, so, you know, about a decade plus ago, I started diving crazy deep into all these things because I realized, you know, I was like, getting really, really good results, exceptional results with some people in training.

And then it was kind of like the mid tier and then those people that just weren’t getting it. And for a while I was that person that was like, ah, these people are committed. Fucking like I’m doing my job. I’m fucking the greatest, blah, blah, blah. You know, dumb ass, right? Dumb ass. And the reality was that like in other areas of my life, I was doing the same thing. Right. I did a lot of stupid shit. Yeah, you know, cheated, got divorced, burned a bunch of things down. And so it took that for me to go.

Wow, like, you know, that was a really tough time in my life too. I ended up, you know, I’ve had a bunch of roller coaster, very, very challenging times in my life, but it was one of those that made me, you know, I went into therapy and I helped and it made me go like, wow, like I’m like in one area of my life consistently kind of not following these behaviors that like, that I’m, I’m saying like, no, this is, this is who you want to become, you know, and judging other people, like on a training side of things.

That was the wake up call for me. Like, why do I do these things that I do? These dumb things, you know, like why am I doing those? And so I went down to rabbit hole searching for myself. And then with that search started realizing like, man, like I have clients that like are struggling in the same way I did just in, they’re struggling with their nutrition. They’re struggling with their fitness. They’re struggling with, I would say, self-image of themselves, right? In that area. And it was.

groundbreaking for me because it ended up being the thing that helped me be a better coach so much more than the sets and reps. And I geek out about that. I’m a geeky person when it comes to training. But I realized it’s like, you know what? If you can’t get the person to do six reps, you can’t get them to do five or eight. So it doesn’t matter if they do five or eight. If you can get them to do it, you’re going to help them change their life. Same thing with the nutrition, right? It doesn’t matter if there’s a preference of food, maybe, necessarily.

Like if you can’t get them to eat more aligned with, you know, with the result that they want, it’s irrelevant. And all of those things are like environmental science and change psychology and behavior change. And even like I said, social environments and how they come together, you know, Pia talks about it, it’s like bio-physio-social is how essentially like we change. It’s not just our physical, it’s our biological and it’s our social environments. And each one influences the other, which is why coaching is a science and an art because

I love this example, I can’t remember where I heard it, but you know, the difference between complicated and complex, right? But people are so complicated, I’m like, ah, they’re complex. Complicated is something that’s hard to do, but there’s a set of instructions. You know, like Ikea furniture tends to be one of those fucking things, which is why I always hire people to assemble it, you know what I mean? Yeah. My God. It’s like building a spaceship. But that’s complicated, right? There is a set of instructions, and you can follow them step by step like you get through.

is the bio-physio-social stuff that I’m talking about. We could do an actionable step with me to work, but then tomorrow when my cat died, it’s not gonna work, because I’m in a different mental space. I might be in a different environment, I’m surrounded by different people, so now there’s a different frame, it brings up triggers. There’s so many moving things. Hey, I was great the other day when I slept eight hours, but today I slept two. I fucking barely remember my name. So now…

You see like that’s complex. One variable changes the other variables. And that’s why, like for any coach that’s listening to this, and I don’t care what realm you’re in when it comes to coaching, if you’re not practicing and improving your coaching on a daily, are you really doing what you say that you’re doing was like being a better coach? Like you have to practice this shit. Like I literally, I mean, do this every day. And I, at this point in time, I’m more.

I feel more dumb than ever. You know what I mean? And I’m just like, oh man, I gotta keep getting better at this, I gotta keep learning and studying. For the sake, and I know that I’ve, you know, I forgot more than many know, but I personally feel like I have the rest of my life to learn. And that’s a very, very important thing, because what you’re seeing on the internet a lot now is this, right? Just do this. To change, bubba, just do these four things. Now, I get it. Content, so on and so forth, right? Right.

Man, like it just doesn’t work that way. Because if it worked that way, we wouldn’t be in the worst health as a country in history pretty much, right? And yet we have more resources than we’ve ever had. Okay, more information than we’ve ever had, right? But the gap between information and transformation, that becomes a coaching gap, right? Exactly, and if more information was the answer, everybody would already have six pack abs and be a multimillionaire and be retired.

And like you’re saying to the coaching component, if I’m not coaching this person that’s in front of me to the best of my ability, one, they can feel it, right? If I’m not engaged and that gives them permission or it encourages them not to be engaged. And now no matter what I tell them, even if it’s the cure for cancer, they’re going to be like, uh-huh, yeah, they’re not going to put it into play. What does that do? Now this creates this loop where now it’s an unhappy marriage.

No matter what I give them, they’re not going to apply it, at least not with everything they have, which makes me hold back subconsciously, which, like you said, what becomes my standard? I default down to this mediocrity. I’m doing just enough to get by. But if I’m coaching that person and demanding more for myself and them, and again, the financial component, if you’re charging 20 bucks a month to coach them, you’re probably not going to be invested because they’re not invested. But if you get to that place where they’re giving what they need and you’re giving everything you can,

Everybody wins and it’s hard for you to get worse in the process. Man. And so that’s so true. And this whole idea of there’s ABC, everybody always be closing, right? The great line. Yep. Cardiff. My ABCs are different. Always be connected. Always be coaching. Always be caring. Right. And I’ll start with caring first. If you care, okay.

If I care about you, I’m going to try harder. Don’t give a fuck. Hey, is this your brother, your best friend? If I care, I’m going to work harder. I’m going to go a little bit longer. I’m not going to give up my frustration level. I’m going to, I’m not going to pop for a little bit longer, right? Because I care. So I’m just going to go above and beyond. Okay. So it starts with caring. Okay. Connecting. Now, if you connect to people and people feel that there’s more trust when there’s more trust than the things that I relay to you, you’ll actually take and do.

more likely, right? And of course, if people feel that you care, I mean, that’s the foundation of it all. I could be the greatest coach on the planet as far as like what I know, and the things that I’m telling you are correct. But if you feel that I don’t care about you, you put up a wall. It’s not gonna transfer. So, caring, connecting, then coaching. Always be coaching, right? Now, there’s also this idea, like don’t over coach, right? Right. But because, you know, that’s like you try to…

be too smart. Like, let me show you what I know. It’s like saying the right things at the right time. But always be coaching means that like, I can’t be coaching if I’m not present. And let’s just take a training session. Like I might be watching like, hey, okay, I need you to push to the inside of the foot. Like you’re pressing on $100 bill. Great job way to push to the inside of your foot. And I’m shutting up. Just looking clean, right? I’m not given 17 different cues. But that’s whether it’s training, whether it’s nutrition, whatever it may be.

And then number four is like, always be challenging. Now, this is important. What you mentioned said, hey, somebody pays you 20 bucks a month. The bigger the challenge, the bigger the support has to be. And what you’re finding online right now is there is like, hey, you know, get my product for XYZ. And you buy an ebook. And I love it. Like, look, I’m about to release more ebooks, right? But there’s no support there. So if it’s a very challenging thing, but there’s a little support.

Some people will get success because they’re self-motivated, they have better discipline, but there’s going to be a massive drop-off rate, which is also the reason why coaching is like this. The more that you invest with the right person, of course, they’re going to challenge you more, but there’s going to be more support because you can text me, we’re going to get on a call, you’re going to be in an environment where we do live events. If you’re coaching with me here at the gym, I’m seeing you three to six, seven days a week. I’m here to support you.

more. But you can’t get that. Of course, you can’t survive as a business to go like, I’m going to charge 99 bucks a month. I’m going to train X, Y, Z times a week. That’s what will get you burnt out. Right? Absolutely. And so always think about that kind of that model, always be caring, always be connected, always be coaching. And then the challenge part is like, hey, be challenging, but know that the amount of challenge that you give a person, you also have to give that

And I think that this is where we’re kind of losing it a lot, where, you know, it’s easy for people to be online and, you know, a lot of influencers that don’t, you know, there’s people that are doing, there’s a lot of great people doing great work. They have the positioning, they have the authority, they’ve got the hours and should be listened to and are great. And unfortunately, there’s a much, much, much bigger number of people that don’t live this, you know, and they’re not like coming from a place of experience and wisdom and…

yelling out from the mountaintops a lot of stuff that they themselves are not doing. And I love the name of your podcast, right? Because it’s like, it’s the actions. All day. None is better than said, period. And so I call this like, does your audio match your video? Do the things that you say, are they aligned with what people see you do? And, you know, social is kind of like a Wizard of Oz thing, right? Because it’s like,

For most people, like, we’ll never, you know, you don’t follow that influencer around 24-7, right? You just see these, these lovely curated things and you’re like, oh man, like, wow, you know, they’re doing this, they’re doing that, they’re making this. You don’t know, you know, and I’ve been in that world so much now that I know a lot of people. Let’s just say that many things, most things are not as they seem, okay? They’re not as they seem. And you want to judge people by, like I said,

You know, I always said that, you know, when I have kids and even for, you know, the people that I really truly care about, my father or people that have passed away in my life, I go like, hey, listen, I try to think if there’s a camera 24-7 on me, you know, and I don’t know it’s there, and my life’s being recorded, you know, and then when I pass away and that video goes to my kids, my grandkids, or, you know, the people in my teams, the community, you know, people that I would say were in my circle.

They did watch the video and go like, yeah, he didn’t know this was being filmed, but this is his life. And there’s no edits. You know what I mean? There’s no editing. There’s no curation. There’s no like, you know, when the old lady comes to do I open the door? Why do I pick stuff up? That put, you know, Joe DeFranco appreciate this, but I put the shopping cart back. I fucking leave in a parking lot. You know what I mean? Do I go above and beyond for my clients? You know what I mean? Do I care for the people? Do I?

The stuff that you just, you won’t see, you know, if I put up 20 stories a day, and I probably don’t, but let’s say 20 stories, and each one averages 10 to 12 seconds, 360 seconds, right? That’s six minutes. You’re seeing six minutes of my life in a 24 hour day, right? And I kind of pick and choose which minutes I show you, too, right? Even though I’m kind of wacky, I just fucking, you know, it is kind of a little bit of a what’s going on. But my point being is…

man, like what if somebody followed you 24 seven, you know, who are you? Right? And so we got to kind of get to like dig a little bit deeper on the people that we’re collecting as role models, you know, to kind of loop it back and do a little bit more research. Now, you know, the good thing and the bad thing is that people today, if you’re in business, you got to understand that people will shop under your nose. They don’t call you anymore. Nobody picks up the phone anymore. They’ll text you back maybe, but like.

They go on your website, they go on your Facebook, they go on your IG and stories. Have you written a blog? What if you, right? They do all this research and then they contact you. By the time they contact you, they’ve kind of already made a little bit of a decision, right? So, which now here’s the, you know, here’s the good thing and the bad thing. It’s the reason why I do love teaching marketing, because marketing is communication. And it’s important what people see, right? It’s important how you communicate and.

talk about and show people the problems that you’ll solve for them. But here’s the danger, right? And I’ll tell you both sides of this story. The one side of the story is there’s great coaches. You know, that invisible camera is following the 24-7, man, they’re helping people, they’re living in integrity, they’re doing great work, right? They’re great human beings, and they don’t have great marketing, right? They don’t have good marketing. And I’m not, you know, and that’s probably, I would say, a bottleneck for them.

right? Because I haven’t figured that stuff out. And then there’s the other side of people that are just there for the buck. They don’t care. They don’t have the ABC of caring and the connecting and coaching. But man, you know, they figured out the marketing side. Now here’s the thing. Does the video match the audio? Right? Would all your match the video? So maybe you’re like, wow, great marketing and you get in. It’s like, Oh, what the hell’s going on here? Right? No, what? I know. So

I matched them up, right? This is more a business conversation that I’m plugging into right now because I do believe in the power of social media. You know, I got, I mean, crazy stuff happens. Like, you know, two days ago I got a coach from Nigeria, you know, and it’s like, man, I follow you all the time, like everything you do, I’m looking up to it. And then it’s like, man, there’s a whole group of people in my village that like do your training from YouTube. And I’m just like, what the, you know, what the fuck? Like, this is crazy, you know what I mean? Like…

And these are like normal messages now on a weekly basis from all across the world. And I’m humbled by it. I’m humbled by it. And not only that, they fire me up to do more stuff. I want to give it all away, everything. I think that one of the greatest marketing strategies, Frank Kern told me this back in the day, was just give it all away, all your best stuff. Don’t hold anything back. And it kind of relates to that whole, what’s the, I would say, the purpose of life is to build your gift.

And then the meaning of life is to give it away. I believe in that, but it’s gonna build your business. But that’s why I’m like, social media can be a really good thing. You can have this megaphone and help people and solve their problems and bring them to your ecosystem and build your business up, right? And you can inspire and motivate and teach. But once again, at the foundational level, the audio has to match the video. Because as Martin Rudy said to me, he said,

And when they meet you, who are you going to be, you know, compared to like who they think you are. And I think more importantly than anything else is that every night when you go to sleep, I think it’s the most important thing that you can, you can look at yourself in the mirror and say, Hey, I do work I’m proud of. I’m proud of the person that I’m becoming. Because there’s quite a few times in my life where, you know, I couldn’t do that. And you know, those, those are the things that ended up leading me to a different life, you know, an out of crime.

Also, you know, it’s kind of came to the US. I left Slovenia because I was getting, I was playing ball, I was a really good ball player, but you know, I was getting in so much trouble and there was only one route. It’s repeated itself a number of times in my life and I’d love to believe that every time, you know, I had this pain or made these mistakes, I got better. And I continue to make new mistakes, make new mistakes. Don’t make the old mistakes, make new mistakes. It does start from who you are because…

If anything, social media, what it’s done is like, if you can really truly be yourself, this is the overused word of the last couple of years is authenticity, right? But it attracts, right? And I love when people are like, man, like when I met you, like you’re the same fucking person, right? And it’s going to, like, if you can be yourself and share your story and share value and solve people’s problems for nothing, it’s gonna attract people and get you more of what you want, but you’re gonna do it in a way

proud of your work. Right. And if there’s a KPI and I look, I’m a numbers person, like, you know, you got to track numbers, you got to, especially if you’re in business, you can’t, you don’t have a blind eye to that. But that’s my KPI lately has been, especially on the side of creation. I go, am I proud of that? Right. And if I’m proud of it, man, even if it doesn’t make money, you know, it doesn’t blow up, doesn’t go viral, any of that stuff doesn’t matter.

Really, I mean, it doesn’t. It’s gonna keep driving me to create more work I’m proud of, that’s all. Add that KPIT to your life, with whatever that you do, whatever area that you wanna develop. You wanna do something nice for a friend, that you put in an effort, can at the end of the day, can you say like, man, I’m proud of that. I really put in my effort and focus, and I think I did some great work. And the thing is how it’s received is out of your hands.

Same thing with sometimes with content or book or blog or podcast. I mean, you may be proud of that work and it just wasn’t received in a way where it blew up, but that’s okay. Right. It’s going to continue. I guarantee you if you continue doing work you’re proud of like you will end up being successful. I can tell you. That’s all of it. My friend, I’ll have to have you on again so we can talk even more about more of these different things. I know that you’re on a time schedule here, but before we go, can you tell us a little bit about the mastermind?

What was the inspiration behind it and how people can learn more about it and more about coaching with you and everything? Absolutely, man. I think that, you know, what I loved about when I went into business coaching, I never had a, like, we were gonna open a consulting business, you know? We’ve been doing it for 10 years. Actually, before me and Steve, Steve, my partner, Steve Krebs, before we started, because we met in a mastermind as well together. We both had gyms, both doing, we’re all building our gyms up.

Even before that, the way that I started the business coaching was people would hit me up and go like, Hey, like I see how you’re running your gym. Like, man, would you help me out? And at first I was like, Oh, no, I don’t do that. Because I wasn’t, I wasn’t confident enough to even be like, should I be teaching somebody this? It wasn’t until I went into other programs and masterminds where, you know, I had a garage gym and, and I thought I was like, I was like, Hey guys, you know,

what I’m doing.” And they were like, you’re doing what? You’re profiting how much? And I thought everybody was doing better than me. And I was like, oh, shit, like, actually, I’m doing really well with this. And even it took me another year after that, where I kept getting questions about it. And I posted, I said, hey, listen, like, I’ll take locally five to six people on and help them with this, you know, 24 hours, got folks in. And in the next, you know, nine to 12 months, like, really help those folks grow their business.

And so that gave me more confidence and I enjoyed the coaching. I was good at it, you know, and, and then me and Steve ended up going into what was called the pack fitness business. We had that business for five, six years. I mean, helped hundreds and hundreds of coaches grow from either just being a coach to having a gym, having a gym, growing a gym, having a gym, growing multiple gyms, we’ve done all of that. And then, um, he went a separate route as a coach in wake up warrior program. And then, you know, I continue to.

go to like, this is my life, man. I breathe this shit, I dream it, like this is what I do. And, you know, we came back full circle. And now for the last two and a half years, you know, we built your gym. And it’s I mean, really what it is, it’s like, me and Steve, because he ended up selling his gym very successful in the fitness space and supplement company, STA marketing company, and so on and so forth. So together, it’s kind of like, you know, superpower of the things that you’ve done, you know, real estate, I want my commercial building that I’m in.

We’re investors in different things and so on and so forth. But to me, my goal is like, I believe in this industry so much and I want to help coaches create careers where they have security and they build wealth. Something that hasn’t been a norm in this industry. I mean, it’s far from it. We saw 60 to 70% of people leave this industry in the last three years because of everything that’s happened. And I know such good people that left. And it breaks my heart. Like seriously, I’m like, no fucking, like you’re the person that needs to stay.

I mean, you’re the person that needs to make really good money. Right. And so it was part of like, I’ve been able to do it on different levels. You know, we own a gym in Slovenia. So we’ve been there for 16 years here. I’m 14. I mean, our track record now is pretty absurd and every day, here’s the thing. I absolutely don’t think I figured it all out. You know, I think that’s the superpower is that I’m studying every day. I mean, masterminds, I got coaches, I got, you know, and we’re just distilling this down and helping people and keeping them accountable, giving them.

the information, but then helping them act on the information and helping them build their businesses. And it’s like the heart of everything is me running my own business and coaching. And to me, it’s always, you know, because I get offers to expand, you know, people have been like, hey, let’s franchise it. And, you know, my whole spiel is like, look, I want to have the best gym on the planet. I’m in the side of this gym. I’m a practitioner as a coach, as a team leader, as a business person. And obviously, you know, we’re building other businesses and all that stuff.

And then I want to share this knowledge with others so that they can do it. And that’s, that’s how it’s been. And that’s going to, is going to continue to be an evolve because, you know, the industry has grown so much. So now, you know, there’s, you have hybrid models. I mean, we obviously do online stuff. We’re speaking, we have our own, you know, I have one of the bigger events in industry called a bigger round fitness and business summit. That’s, you know, it’s going to be a seventh year next year, uh, you know, nine years, you know, so we’ve known it for nine years, going to be our seventh time that we put it on. Like we’re actively doing everything we coach.

There’s nothing that I coach that I do not do. Not one thing. Like I won’t tell you, I won’t coach you on doing online programs. I haven’t done it. Consulting, haven’t done it. Speaking, haven’t done it. Buying real estate, haven’t done it. Investing in companies and startups. I do the thing and I speak on it. Been there, done that, doing it. That’s kind of like my principle for a lot of stuff. And that’s why I feel good about it because the audio is going to match the video when you get us as coaches. You know what I mean?

And that’s, I mean, in the name, I’m a big fan of hip hop. So yo MTV raps, if you look at our logo, yo grow your gym, you know, you’ll grow your, which, which makes it fun too. Cause you gotta have fun while you’re doing business cause the shit can be challenging. Yeah. But that’s, I think that’s the, the short explanation as short as I can get it. No, I love it. Luca, what’s the IG, what do we follow you on? What’s your preferred social media? Yeah. Honestly, on IG is kind of like where I veer out to everything else and it’s

H-O-C-E-V-A-R. Also, like I said, too, like our gym is Vigo The site for the coaching is It’s very simple. And I do like, YouTube has been one of the places, so over the last 13, 14 years, everything that I’ve shot on video pretty much goes on YouTube. So there’s about 1,400 videos on there. Nice. If you want to spend the next 15 years, you know, going over a lot of fitness training, I’m doing more and more vlogging, like really in-depth.

15, 20, 30, even hour long videos that probably could be sold somewhere, but I put them there for free. So if you just go to YouTube and put in Luca Hossowar, L-U- I’m dropping new content every week. There’s gonna be more and more biz content as well. Put it this way, you have plenty to digest. Absolutely. Luca, I love having you on because I know you’re for real. I’ve met you in person, I know what you’re about. There’s a lot of people that, just like with you, that are pinching me all the time that wanna come on and talk about things.

Now that I know who you are, and now that I know what you’re about, you’re the kind of person that I went on to talk about masterminds, to talk about teaching, because like you said right now, there’s so many people that are playing the game, but you actually know what you speak, you’ve actually lived it, you are living it. Again, just like Jay, just like Tony Blower, just like all these people, you’ve been through all of it, and now you’re qualified to have the opinion as opposed to just regurgitating something that you saw from somebody else, from this book, this latest course, this latest TEDx, this latest mastermind. And again.

you’re living it octagon verb, but you’re not claiming to live it. You’re putting it into play, brother. Thank you. Hey, thank you for having me on. It’s been a pleasure, man. Like, like I said from the get-go, you know, I said, uh, that it’s going to be a question. You’re going to let me go. I’m going to do that too. But, and then we’re going to rock and roll. It’s just going to go, you know? And, but yeah, I’d love to be on another time, man. I really appreciate it. We’ll do it again and I’ll see you in person sometime soon. Hopefully. All right. Yes, sir. All right. Cheers, brother.

Episode Details

Luka Hocevar: The Gym Growth Warrior Part 2
Episode Number: 83

About the Host

Marcus Aurelius Anderson

Mindset Coach, Author, International Keynote Speaker