Ian Strimbeck: No One is Coming to Save You

September 28, 2022

On today’s episode Ian Strimbeck is exploring how society can shift their perspective to be proactive in the effort to protect themselves and their communities. Listen in as Ian and I dive into the topic of self-protection through health, physical skills, and weaponry. Ian shares the impact of understanding the potential harm that surrounds us every day and being open to the wisdom that comes from awareness. Ian shares the complications of self-defense, and the questions you need to ask to feel prepared for uncertainty.

Ian Strimbeck is the owner and founder of Runenation. He writes, he fights, he lives, he climbs and invests in himself and others to teach them how to come home safe, to win, to prevail.

After serving as an infantryman in the United States Marines holding every position in that capacity, he used the GI Bill to earn a bachelor’s degree in Communication with a concentration in Journalism, minored in Psychology in 2014. During those four years, he worked for an executive protection firm in Boston, where his clients ranged from VIP celebrities, International dignitaries.

In 2017 he decided that he was going to take the leap into the dark void of the unknown. The result of this faith in himself is Runenation. All of his martial combat experience can be condensed into one singular phrase: No one is coming to save you.

You can connect with Ian via his website: https://www.runenationllc.com

Episode Details

Ian Strimbeck: No One is Coming to Save You
Episode Number: 115

About the Host

Marcus Aurelius Anderson

Mindset Coach, Author, International Keynote Speaker

Web Design

Nulla rutrum, mauris sit amet efficitur vulputate, metus eros pellentesque magna.

Morbi quis neque a lorem vestibulum placerat ut at eros. Duis fermentum, risus id vehicula placerat, diam risus cursus nulla, nec tincidunt quam lacus ac purus. Vestibulum et consequat odio. Praesent vitae mauris maximus eros semper imperdiet vel nec sem. In ut aliquet mauris. Suspendisse fermentum turpis felis, ut interdum velit cursus non. Morbi at interdum nisl, quis laoreet erat. Vivamus mi arcu, vestibulum vel lobortis tristique, commodo vel nisi. Vivamus quis turpis a odio tempor mattis a sit.


Nulla rutrum, mauris sit amet efficitur vulputate, metus eros pellentesque magna.

Morbi quis neque a lorem vestibulum placerat ut at eros. Duis fermentum, risus id vehicula placerat, diam risus cursus nulla, nec tincidunt quam lacus ac purus. Vestibulum et consequat odio. Praesent vitae mauris maximus eros semper imperdiet vel nec sem. In ut aliquet mauris. Suspendisse fermentum turpis felis, ut interdum velit cursus non. Morbi at interdum nisl, quis laoreet erat. Vivamus mi arcu, vestibulum vel lobortis tristique, commodo vel nisi. Vivamus quis turpis a odio tempor mattis a sit.


Nulla rutrum, mauris sit amet efficitur vulputate, metus eros pellentesque magna.

Morbi quis neque a lorem vestibulum placerat ut at eros. Duis fermentum, risus id vehicula placerat, diam risus cursus nulla, nec tincidunt quam lacus ac purus. Vestibulum et consequat odio. Praesent vitae mauris maximus eros semper imperdiet vel nec sem. In ut aliquet mauris. Suspendisse fermentum turpis felis, ut interdum velit cursus non. Morbi at interdum nisl, quis laoreet erat. Vivamus mi arcu, vestibulum vel lobortis tristique, commodo vel nisi. Vivamus quis turpis a odio tempor mattis a sit.