Nate Gladdin: Understanding Masculinity Through Philosophy
Nate Gladdin shares how he created a path to better understanding masculinity and his own identity through stoicism, Blues, and self-discovery.
Dan Blakeley: The Twenty Year War
Dan Blakeley discusses his passion for helping veterans be successful and how stories of Adversity can help civilians understand the warrior identity.
Lauren Johnson: Turning Adversity into Purpose and Peak Performance Part 2
Lauren Johnson returns to discuss how to train your mind to be worthy of the goals you’re looking to accomplish.
Lauren Johnson: Turning Adversity into Purpose and Peak Performance Part 1
Lauren Johnson shares how professional athletes overcome Adversity to obtain peak performance.
Tom Amenta: The Twenty Year War
Tom Amenta shares his passion empowering veterans to pursue entrepreneurship and how entrepreneurial skill leans into making decisions authentically.
Richard Ojeda: Overcoming Adversity in the Political Arena
Richard Ojeda joins me to discuss how he found his passion for politics and serving others while building a platform of support for veterans.
Beau Simmons: Capturing “The 20 Year War”
Beau Simmons joins me to discuss his journey from corporate photography to helping veterans share their stories on film.
Steven Roberts: Stoic Warrior Part 2
Steven Roberts returns to discuss how stoicism helps you face danger, including situations of life or death.
Steven Roberts: Stoic Warrior Part 1
Steven Roberts joins me to discuss why stoicism is so powerful for members of the military and how we can use stoicism to overcome trauma and Adversity.
Heather Parillo: A Warrior Empowering Others Through Her Own Adversity Part 2
Heather Parillo returns to discuss why she chose to participate in SEALFIT, a rigorous Navy SEAL training regimen and why she decided to attend a second time, being the only woman to do so.