Kasey Pierce: Using Stoicism to Overcome Codependency, Weight Loss and Growing Self Awareness
In this episode, author Kasey Pierce shares her personal story of how stoicism helped her deal with her mother’s declining health, create a new outlook on resiliency, and reframe her self-awareness.
Tony Whatley: How to be 365 Driven
In this episode, we sit down with Tony Whatley, community builder and bestselling author of Side Hustle Millionaire as he shares his best practices for gaining the knowledge and courage to take action.
Warrior Wisdom: Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu
Listen in as I explore the widespread influence of the book, Daoism’s similarities to other philosophies including Stoicism, and how I was inspired at 12 years old to delve into the world of Marcus Aurelius, influencing my view of Adversity.
Tony Blauer: SPEAR FEAR
Tune in as we discuss how micro-Adversities give us the potential of how we’ll survive and why real Adversity is the key for creating change.
Rob Jones Journey: Put on Your Legs and Go
This week US Marine Veteran Rob Jones explores how his life-altering experience of a double amputation created a clarity of purpose that his desire to seize opportunities every day.
Melissa Priieto: Peak Performance for Mixed Martial Arts, Conditioning and creating the Mindset to reach greatness
This week Melissa Priieto joins me to discuss the science behind the performance of athletes and how you can use data to measure and predict your own success.
Warrior Wisdom: Lessons from the Works of Robert Greene
This week I’m exploring the lessons of Robert Greene and what he can teach us about emotional states, crossroads, and getting more by doing less.
Robert Greene: Mastering the Art of the Sublime
This week Robert Greene explores the liberation that comes from practicing enlightenment through silence, and how recognition of death tragedy help him manage adversity in his daily life.
The Captain, Kyle Creek: Smart, Crude and Hilariously Relevant
This week The Captain, Kyle Creek, shares the difference between discipline and motivation, what it really takes to write a book, and how to deal with criticism while protecting your mental health.
Rocky Twitchell: Developing Peaceful Warriors
This week Rocky Twitchell shares how his career of martial arts mastery is helping others increase their awareness and protect themselves and others from adversity.