Today on Acta Non Verba Rich Diviney returns to discuss how much human beings truly control and how that impacts our ability to overcome Adversity and lead others. During our conversation Rich and I dig into the difference between being reactive and proactive, how to...
Marcus Torgerson returns to discuss how individuals develop protective skill sets out of necessity and how they are changed by trauma. Listen in as Marcus and I dive into how ADVERSITY is omnipresent, why education on violence is like insurance, and the importance of...
On today’s episode of Acta Non Verba Rich Diviney shares how his experience as a Navy SEALS Officer showed him the power of leaning into your inherent abilities in order to overcome Adversity. Listen in as Rich and I explore the definition of grit and how to use it as...
On today’s episode Marcus Torgerson shares how he empowers people to “be nightmares for bad guys in the world and in their heads.” Listen in as Marcus and I discuss the tools needed to survive and thrive during violent encounters and how situational awareness can make...
Today on Acta Non Verba I’m revisiting the most notable lessons within Steven Pressfield’s book “The War of Art.” Listen in as I break down Steven Pressfield’s rise to success after 30 years of failure as well and how it led to his views on Adversity, resistance, and...