Brady Pesola shares his thoughts on integrating Stoicism into modern life, particularly as a tool against the emotional manipulation and challenges posed by artificial intelligence and social media algorithms. Drawing from his experience in tactical disciplines and...
Lee McKinney, the talented guitarist and songwriter of the American metal band Born of Osiris recounts his journey from being a seventeen-year-old professional musician to overcoming substance addiction that led to a coma. He offers insightful discussion on developing...
This week Marcus discusses Occam’s Razor, explained as ‘the simplest answer is usually the best one’, and suggests applying it in business by simplifying processes. The story of Alexander the Great cutting the Gordian Knot is used as a metaphor for...
Seerut Chawla explores an array of topics including therapeutic styles, psychotherapeutic modalities, the influence of social media, and aspects of psychotherapy. Seerut also shares insights on how her religion, Sikhism, has shaped her perceptions. Marcus and Seerut...
In this episode of Acta Non Verba, Donald Robertson sheds light on the practice of Stoicism and its relevance in today’s world. He warns against the societal perils of anger, victim mentality, and information manipulation, especially in the age of...