In this episode Marcus Aurelius Anderson delves into the theme of endurance, drawing lessons from historical and contemporary figures. He discusses the incredible resilience of Sir Ernest Shackleton and his crew during the Trans Antarctic Expedition, and highlights...
In this episode Juan Pablo Quiñonez, winner of the ninth season of the survival TV series ‘Alone,’ shares his unique approach to wilderness survival, resilience, and embracing adversity. Raised in Guadalajara, Mexico, and trained with the French Foreign Legion,...
In this episode Dean Stott, a former British Special Forces soldier, world record-setting cyclist, and mindset coach discusses his journey from the military to private security and achieving a world record in cycling. Dean shares his views on the importance of...
In this episode Marcus Aurelius Anderson delves into the philosophies and strategies that world-renowned warriors, leaders, and entrepreneurs use to transform Adversity into success. He shares insights from over 220 episodes, featuring interviews with authors like...
In this episode Dr. Franklin Annis, a military philosopher, historian, and educational theorist explores historical military practices, the importance of self-development, and the role of physical training. Dr. Annis shares insights about his upcoming book on Alden...